Student Life


Student Empowerment Unit

A new Student Empower Unit has been established to realize the vision of NDRI to produce excellent and accomplished human resource by helping students become healthy, informed, aware, and committed scholars. This Unit would provide a platform for students to pursue both their professional and personal goals with greater self-awareness, self-esteem, understanding, and focus. Hence, this program entails imparting ‘knowledge with ethics’ to enable the students to fully utilize vocational/occupational services in the best possible manner to achieve social and economic self-sufficiency.


The Vision of ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute is to produce excellent human resource for dairy development in the country. To realise this dream, we need to empower our students through quality education. The motto of NDRI is ‘Knowledge and Virtue’. NDRI believes in the integral growth of students and strives to impart holistic educational programmes to make students powerful agents of transformation.


In consonance with the vision of NDRI, Student Empowerment Unit seeks to create and sustain a campus environment that supports the holistic development of each student and contributes to their optimal academic success by facilitating and supporting identity development, community responsibility, wellness, multicultural as well as self awareness, social justice, and career development. In doing so, the Student Empowerment Unit seeks to support the University’s overarching mission of being a ‘world-class’ institution by helping students become healthy, informed, aware and committed citizen-scholars.


Sports, Recreation and Cultural Activities

The students of NDRI Deemed University are always encouraged to participate in activities outside the classroom that enrich the cultural, physical and social life of the students. Spacious playgrounds along with a newly built stadium are provided near the student’s hostels and necessary facilities exist for various outdoor games and athletic events. There are facilities also for indoor games in each hostel. There is a student’s sports fund to which every student subscribes at the beginning of each year a sum of Rs. 100/- as sports fee at the time of Registration. The amount so collected are used for improving sports facilities and promoting literary activities amongst the students including the publication of the students magazines namely “MILK TRACK”. The students are also encouraged to participate in basic/advanced youth leadership camps, hiking, trekking, mountaineering/Ice climbing courses, poetical recitation, music competition/youth festivals/games and sports etc. organised by this Institute and participation in other universities to represent NDRI.

Student’s Welfare Fund

With a view to tendering financial aid to students in distress and to support other student’s activities, a Student Welfare Fund has been instituted. All students are required to contribute yearly fund along with the fee at the time of Registration as prescribed by the University time to time. Details regarding the fund are as given below:


  • To grant aids to students in the event of distress to meet Tuition fee, Hostel fee, Exam fee etc.
  • To advance loan to individual students in case of necessity arising due to delayed payment of their salary, scholarships, etc.
  • To grant loan to meet the railway fare on study tour.
  • To grant loan in emergency conditions while the student has to go his home suddenly.
  • To grant loan for purchase of a cycle/books or for any other special purpose approved on merits by the Chairman of the Fund.
  • Medical Aid.
  • To grant financial assistance to any other student’s activity deemed desirable by the administrative body.


The Fund will be administered by a committee henceforth to be known as Student’s Welfare Committee and will comprise:
1. Joint Director, Chairman
2. Registrar
3. Chief Hostel Warden
4. Financial Advisor to Students (Nominated by the Joint Director/Secretary & Treasurer)
5. Two members from the Faculty. (Nominated by the Joint Director)


  • Students desirous of availing this loan will have to submit their applications to the chairman of the students Welfare Committee through the Secretary of the committee on a prescribed form.
  • Ordinarily, the amount of the loan to meet the objectives 1 to 4 & 6 shall not exceed Rs. 500/- for any individual student. However, for objective 5 the maximum amount payable would be Rs. 800/- for cycle and 1000/- for books. The amount of the loan will be determined and sanctioned by the chairman of the student’s welfare fund on merit and other existing rules, and subject to availability of funds.
  • Normally, not more than one application for loan will be entertained from the same student during a semester unless all the previous dues have been paid.
  • The student Welfare committee would ordinarily meet in the beginning of each semester to consider the formal approval of the expenditure and loan given to the students during the previous semester.
  • The sanction of the loan will be intimated to the student concerned who will collect the money from the Financial Advisor, Students Welfare Committee, after due acknowledgement.

  • All the contributions to the fund will be deposited in any branch of a Nationalized Bank as a Savings Bank Account.
  • All money transactions will be made by the Financial Advisor, Students Welfare Committee. The bank account will be operated jointly by the Chairman and Secretary.

The accounts of the Students Welfare Fund will be audited by an officer appointed by Joint Director.

  • The students will be required to refund the loan granted under objectives 1 to 4 and 7 within three months from the date of receipt of the loan. In any case the students must refund the loan within six months from the date of receipt of the same.
  • The loan sanctioned and paid against objective no. 5 will be repaid in eight/ten installments of Rs. 100/- each commencing from, one month after the receipt of the loan or before submission of the thesis or on encashment of bills whichever is earlier.
  • No interest will be chargeable on the loan granted.

Chairman of the fund may at his discretion, grant the continuing student’s loans, subject to the maximum and the other restrictions provided in the rules, to cover expenses on payment of the mess dues and railway fair for undertaking a journey to home town at the commencement of/during the vacation.

  • Abuse of the facilities granted by the Students Welfare Fund will render the students liable to severe disciplinary action.
  • Any item not covered by the above rule will be decided by the Students Welfare Committee whose decision will be final and binding.

All students admitted to the National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University) automatically become members of the Students’ Council. The constitution of the Council is given below:


The Council will be called, “The National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University) Students’ Council” hereafter referred to as NDRISC after the name of the Institute, the National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.

The following are the aims and objectives of the NDRI SC:

  • To inculcate a spirit of fraternity and discipline through mutual contact among the members.
  • To promote the social, literary and cultural welfare of the members and to raise the tempo of athletic activities in the NDRI Deemed
  • To encourage the intellectual development of the
  • To arouse among the members a spirit of social
  • To provide an opportunity to the members to train themselves in the art of self-government and
  • To promote the consciousness of the members regarding the aims and working of various national and international student organizations and to represent the NDRI students body on the national as well as international planes.
  • To find out immediate solutions for all such problems as may jeopardize the common interest of the members by meetings, discussions and making suggestions, if necessary to the concerned
  • To promote the establishment of close and cordial relations between the students and the members of the teaching staff of the NDRI Deemed

The above mentioned objectives shall be met by organizing various literary and cultural activities as debates, declamation, film shows, essay writing competitions, educational trips, sports and games and any other item consistent with the objectives provided that such subjects, which are likely to offend any member on religious and moral grounds and results in national and emotional disharmony or which have been disallowed by patron shall not be discussed during the activities of the NDRISC.

In conducting various activities such as cultural, literary, games and sports, educational trips, etc. as mentioned in Article 4(B), the Executive Committee (Article 9) shall consult and take the approval of the respective Faculty/Staff Advisors in organizing such activities.

The faculty advisors of various activities can co-opt the members to the various committees for events organized by the Students’ Council.

The Director of National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University), Karnal shall be the Chief Patron and the Joint Director (Academic), National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University), Karnal shall be the patron of NDRISC.

The Chief Patron/patron will nominate one Financial Advisor, Three Staff Advisors and other advisors for various activities of students’ Council from amongst the teaching staff of the university for smooth functioning of NDRISC.

Any person who is admitted in NDRI as a B.Tech. (DT), Master’s degree or Doctoral degree student will automatically become a member of the NDRISC. “In-Service” students of the Institute are also the members of the NDRISC.

No person who is not a member of the NDRISC shall make use of the recreational and other amenities in the Students Hostels.

Each member shall pay a sum of Rs.500/-as annual subscription which is nonrefundable. For this purpose, the year shall be the same as the academic year of NDRI.

Full subscription shall be payable for academic year at the time of Registration. The subscription shall be subject to revision from time to time.

The members of the NDRISC as given in Article 5 shall constitute the General Body of the Council.

Budget: The yearly budget of the Council Fund shall be prepared by the Council Executive in consultation with the Financial Advisor within one month of its election.

The budget will be effective after its presentation and approval by the Executive Committee and Staff Advisors meeting chaired by the Patron.


  •  The item of the expenditure shall be clearly shown in the
  • While preparing the budget the Council Executive shall reserve at least 20 percent of the total fund “On reserve” for unforeseen expenditure, if
  • The appropriation or re-appropriation of funds from one head to another may be done by the Council Executive with the approval of the patron on the recommendation of the Financial

Accounts: The funds of the Students’ Council shall be maintained by the clerk posted at University Office under supervision of the Financial Advisor.

Bank Accounts: The funds of the Students’ Council shall be kept in a current/savings bank/fixed deposit account with a Scheduled Bank of India in the name of the Council and operated by the Financial Advisor. Two faculty members (nominated by Patron) will be authorized to sign the cheque for any transaction from the accounts and two signatures will  be necessary, one of the signatories must be the Financial Advisor.

Audit of Accounts: The account of annual expenditure of the NDRISC shall be audited by an officer appointed by the Patron.

Each payment out of Council Fund shall be approved by the Financial Advisor. The Accounting year for NDRISC will be closed on 30th June every year.

  • Vice President.
  • General Secretary
  • Joint Secretary
  • Finance Secretary
  • Executive Members-4
  • The Students Representative of the Academic Council will act as ex-officio member and attend all the Executive Committee
  • Members of the Electoral College:

B.Tech. -12, Master’s degree -26, and Doctoral degree-36. Total: 74. The break up is given as under:-

B.Tech. – Top three students from each class in preceding examinations. For B.Tech first year class, the members shall be those with top three ranks in the entrance examination

conducted for admission. (First year-3; Second year-3; Third year-3 and Fourth year-3. Total: 12)

Master’s degree – Top student from each class in each discipline in preceding examinations. For Master’s degree first year class in each discipline, the members shall be those with top rank in the entrance examination conducted for admission. Students with pre-requisite (PR) courses shall be considered as first year students only. (First year-13 and Second year-13. Total: 26)

Doctoral degree – Top student from first year and second year class in each discipline in preceding examinations. For doctoral degree first year class in each discipline, the members shall be those with top rank in the entrance examination conducted for admission.

For doctoral- degree third year class in each discipline, one member shall be nominated by the respective Head of the Division. (First year-12, Second year-12 and Third year-12. Total: 36).

The office bearers of the Executive Committee (i to vi) of NDRISC shall be from the Electoral College and elected by the Members of the Electoral College as given at SI.No.

(viii) including note on girl’s student’s representation.

The different positions in the executive committee will be elected from students of different programmes from within the Electoral College as given below. Students from outside the Electoral College can not contest for these positions in the executive committee.

President: Ph. D. Programme

Vice President: Master degree Programme General Secretary: B.Tech.(DT)

Financial Secretary: Master Degree Programme Jt. Secretary: B. Tech. (DT)

Executive Members (Four): Two from Ph.D. programme

One from Master degree programme One from B. Tech. (DT)

In case, candidates from a particular programme are not interested in the above positions in the Executive Committee, Director, NDRI can nominate the same at his level. From within the Electoral College, the Ph.D. scholars will vote for President plus their two Executive Members;

Master’s degree students will vote for Vice President, Financial Secretary and its one Executive Member; and B.Tech (DT) students will vote for General Secretary, It. Secretary and its one Executive Member.


In case of under representation of girl students, the Chief Patron/Patron shall have the right to nominate maximum two girls on the NDRISC. The nominated girls shall have voting right also.

The president can co-opt a maximum of two students on the Executive Committee, with the approval of Chief Patron/Patron but the co-opted members shall not have the right to vote.

The President and General Secretary will also be members of Student Aid Fund Committee.

The Executive Committee will function in collective manner with the members being responsible to the President in all matters.

The General Secretary will function as the Principal Executive of the committee in day- to-day management of the Council affairs. The duties assigned to the office bearers by the Executive Committee will be placed on record in the Council Office for guidance.

  • Every member of the Electoral College shall have the right to contest elections for the Office bearers of the Students’ Council subject to Article 5 and Article 13b.
  • Every member shall have the right to ask questions In writing on any matter connected with Council and receive a written reply from the Council’s Executive. All such questions shall be addressed to the General Secretary.

The duties of the Executive Committee shall include:

  • Preparation of programmes for the year and to ensure their proper
  • The programmes will be finalized after consideration of proposals made by individual office bearers pertaining to their specific financial requirements. The budget should be placed and passed on a special Executive Committee meeting. The meeting will be chaired by the Chief Patron/Patron and the Staff Advisors nominated by the Patron will be present while passing the budget proposals for various
  • To appoint subcommittee whenever necessary to help the Secretaries In the execution of their duties particularly on occasions of special
  • To appoint/select delegations for representing the NDRISC In various national and international student
  • To assist the President in taking decisions on various matters so as to further the cause of the

In case a member of the Executive Committee is alleged to have committed a breach of the constitution or is charged with a serious offence, such as defalcation of funds or misappropriation of the Council property, the Council Executive shall after investigation and with its own findings and opinion forward the case to the Patron for such action as he/she may deem fit. The member so accused will be given full opportunity to defend himself/herself. The decision of the Chief Patron/Patron shall be final.

  • The members of the Electoral College of NDRISC shall elect the Office Bearers of the Council from among themselves for the term of one year as provided in Article
  • The votes shall be nontransferable and each member will have the right of a single
  • The patron will appoint an Election Commission headed by the Chairman, which will conduct elections under the supervision of the Patron. The Chairman of the Election Commission shall issue Notice inviting nominations at least 96 hours before the last date of accepting nomination papers. Each nomination shall be duly proposed by one and seconded by another bonafide member of the Electoral College. No member will be permitted to propose or second more than one
  • The Election Commission may co-opt members to help them in the conduct of elections.
  • The candidates for offices of the President and General Secretary will be students of at least one year standing in NDRI,
  • The Election Commission shall scrutinize the nominations and make a summary of nominations filed and found in order and immediately pass it on for the perusal of the Patron.
  • The Chairman of the Election Commission shall notify along with the date, time and place for polling, the final list of contesting candidates for the various offices as mentioned in Article 9 at least 48 hours but not more than 72 hours before the Polling
  • The Election shall be by secret ballot and the candidates shall be returned by an ordinary majority. In case of a tie the decision will be made by toss/lot.
  • No mode of canvassing, other than by the word or mouth, will be permissible on the campus.
  • The Election shall be over preferably within 45 days of the start of the academic session.
  • Any conflicts regarding the Election shall be resolved by the Election Commission in consultation with Chief Patron/Patron whose decision will be
  • Any office falling vacant within the first semester shall be filled on the same lines as the regular
  • After the first semester, if any office falls vacant the following procedure will be adopted:

In the case of the office of the President, the Vice-President will automatically take over as President.

For the rest of the offices of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall fill up the vacancy by nominating one of the members of the Electoral College. The vacancy of an Electoral College member shall, however, be filled up by considering the next best ranker/topper in the preceding year from that particular class and discipline.

The Executive Committee shall hand over the complete charge of NDRISC accounts, goods and records to the new Executive Committee on the expiry of its tenure.

Article 13b. Eligibility to contest election in any Capacity

A student of the NDRI Deemed University shall be eligible to contest in any capacity of the NDRISC, if:

  • He is not guilty of gross
  • He is not involved in a criminal case or a case of moral turpitude or of gross misconduct or misbehaviour.
  • He is not a defaulter in the payment of university dues. iv) He has not been an office-bearer of the NDRISC for two consecutive

NOTE: A student will be guilty of gross misconduct if he/she:

  • is expelled from the University/Hostels or is
  • is placed on conduct
  • is convicted of a non-bailable
  • is found guilty of adopting unfair means in the University
  • has brought a bad name to the University by his misconduct on or outside the campus as determined by the competent authority of the
  • Destroy University properly, mutilates or involves himself/herself in the theft of Library Books, and
  • prevents any University Official from performing his/her normal duties or assaults/intimidate any employee of the

  • A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President once in two months and 50’10 of the members on his committee shall constitute the quorum;
  • An extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee can be called at any time if at least 33% of members of the committee give requisition for the same to the
  • The quorum of such a meeting shall be 60% of the total membership of the Executive Committee.
  • A General Body Meeting of NDRISC may be called if at least 25% of the members send a requisition to the President to that effect, who will call such a meeting within a week of the receipt of such a requisition. The quorum for ordinary general body meeting shall be constituted by 40% of the
  • All the members of the Executive Committee shall be present in all its meeting and in the meetings of General Body of NDRISC. If they have to be unavoidably absent, they shall always inform the President in writing before the commencement of a
  • If a member absents himself/herself from two successive meetings of the Executive Committee without informing the President in writing he/she shall cease to be a member of the Committee.
  • Any member shall have the right to ask questions about any matter concerning the NDRISC during the meeting. All questions shall be addressed to the President who may refer them to the concerned office bearer. If need be, the President may demand time to give answer to any particular question in the next
  • A motion, if allowed by the President, shall be carried by simple majority
  • The date, time and place of all Executive Committee meetings should be notified at least 72 hours in.

i) Adjournment Motion: Any adjournment motion can be moved at any time and, if duly seconded, it shall be immediately put to vote. If such a motion is duly carried, the meeting shall be

ii) Vote of No Confidence

(a) A vote of no confidence may be brought against any member of the Executive for violation of constitutional provisions, neglect of duty or unbecoming conduct if 40% of the members of NDRISC send a requisition of the same to the Patron and if the latter agrees to the validity of the grounds on which the requisition is based, he shall allow it to be moved. It shall be considered effective only when a simple majority of the members present in the

Executive Meeting of the NDRISC approve it in an extraordinary meeting. The notice for such a motion shall be issued at least a week in advance of the meeting of the Executive of the NDRISC.

iii) Amendments: The provisions of the Constitution may be amended if required by a committee of Faculty Members appointed by the Patron.

iv) If the Chief Patron/Patron finds that the Council, on account of group rivalries or any other reason, has been unable to function, he may supersede the Council and appoint a Committee of five students to carryon the functions of the Council for such period as may be deemed fit and necessary, under the supervision of Staff Advisors and financial Advisor.

v) If NDRISC Executive Committee does not function as per the Constitution, the Chief Patron/Patron reserves the right to dissolve the NDRISC Executive Committee, whose decision shall be

vi) Interpretation of the Constitution:

Any dispute relating to the interpretation of the constitution shall be settled by the Chief Patron/ Patron whose decision shall be final.