Regional Station


Student Empowerment Unit

A new Student Empower Unit has been established to realize the vision of NDRI to produce excellent and accomplished human resource by helping students become healthy, informed, aware, and committed scholars. This Unit would provide a platform for students to pursue both their professional and personal goals with greater self-awareness, self-esteem, understanding, and focus. Hence, this program entails imparting ‘knowledge with ethics’ to enable the students to fully utilize vocational/occupational services in the best possible manner to achieve social and economic self-sufficiency.


The Vision of ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute is to produce excellent human resource for dairy development in the country. To realise this dream, we need to empower our students through quality education. The motto of NDRI is ‘Knowledge and Virtue’. NDRI believes in the integral growth of students and strives to impart holistic educational programmes to make students powerful agents of transformation.


In consonance with the vision of NDRI, Student southern Unit seeks to create and sustain a campus environment that supports the holistic development of each student and contributes to their optimal academic success by facilitating and supporting identity development, community responsibility, wellness, multicultural as well as self awareness, social justice, and career development. In doing so, the Student southern Unit seeks to support the University’s overarching mission of being a ‘world-class’ institution by helping students become healthy, informed, aware and committed citizen-scholars.


Sports, Recreation and Cultural Activities

The students of NDRI Deemed University are always encouraged to participate in activities outside the classroom that enrich the cultural, physical and social life of the students. Spacious playgrounds along with a newly built stadium are provided near the student’s hostels and necessary facilities exist for various outdoor games and athletic events. There are facilities also for indoor games in each hostel. There is a student’s sports fund to which every student subscribes at the beginning of each year a sum of Rs. 100/- as sports fee at the time of Registration. The amount so collected are used for improving sports facilities and promoting literary activities amongst the students including the publication of the students magazines namely “MILK TRACK”. The students are also encouraged to participate in basic/advanced youth leadership camps, hiking, trekking, mountaineering/Ice climbing courses, poetical recitation, music competition/youth festivals/games and sports etc. organised by this Institute and participation in other universities to represent NDRI.

Student’s Welfare Fund

With a view to tendering financial aid to students in distress and to support other student’s activities, a Student Welfare Fund has been instituted. All students are required to contribute yearly fund along with the fee at the time of Registration as prescribed by the University time to time. Details regarding the fund are as given below:


  • To grant aids to students in the event of distress to meet Tuition fee, Hostel fee, Exam fee etc.
  • To advance loan to individual students in case of necessity arising due to delayed payment of their salary, scholarships, etc.
  • To grant loan to meet the railway fare on study tour.
  • To grant loan in emergency conditions while the student has to go his home suddenly.
  • To grant loan for purchase of a cycle/books or for any other special purpose approved on merits by the Chairman of the Fund.
  • Medical Aid.
  • To grant financial assistance to any other student’s activity deemed desirable by the administrative body.


The Fund will be administered by a committee henceforth to be known as Student’s eastern Committee and will comprise:
1. Joint Director, Chairman
2. Registrar
3. Chief Hostel Warden
4. Financial Advisor to Students (Nominated by the Joint Director/Secretary & Treasurer)
5. Two members from the Faculty. (Nominated by the Joint Director)


1. Sanction of loan

  • Students desirous of availing this loan will have to submit their applications to the chairman of the students eastern Committee through the Secretary of the committee on a prescribed form.
  • Ordinarily, the amount of the loan to meet the objectives 1 to 4 & 6 shall not exceed Rs. 500/- for any individual student. However, for objective 5 the maximum amount payable would be Rs. 800/- for cycle and 1000/- for books. The amount of the loan will be determined and sanctioned by the chairman of the student’s eastern fund on merit and other existing rules, and subject to availability of funds.
  • Normally, not more than one application for loan will be entertained from the same student during a semester unless all the previous dues have been paid.
  • The student eastern committee would ordinarily meet in the beginning of each semester to consider the formal approval of the expenditure and loan given to the students during the previous semester.
  • The sanction of the loan will be intimated to the student concerned who will collect the money from the Financial Advisor, Students eastern Committee, after due acknowledgement.

2 (A) Deposits and Withdrawals

  • All the contributions to the fund will be deposited in any branch of a Nationalized Bank as a Savings Bank Account.
  • All money transactions will be made by the Financial Advisor, Students eastern Committee. The bank account will be operated jointly by the Chairman and Secretary.

(B) Audit

The accounts of the Students eastern Fund will be audited by an officer appointed by Joint Director.

3. Refund of the Loan

  • The students will be required to refund the loan granted under objectives 1 to 4 and 7 within three months from the date of receipt of the loan. In any case the students must refund the loan within six months from the date of receipt of the same.
  • The loan sanctioned and paid against objective no. 5 will be repaid in eight/ten installments of Rs. 100/- each commencing from, one month after the receipt of the loan or before submission of the thesis or on encashment of bills whichever is earlier.
  • No interest will be chargeable on the loan granted.

5. Explanatory Note

Chairman of the fund may at his discretion, grant the continuing student’s loans, subject to the maximum and the other restrictions provided in the rules, to cover expenses on payment of the mess dues and railway fair for undertaking a journey to home town at the commencement of/during the vacation.


  • Abuse of the facilities granted by the Students eastern Fund will render the students liable to severe disciplinary action.
  • Any item not covered by the above rule will be decided by the Students eastern Committee whose decision will be final and binding.